GBU has been providing life insurance, annuities and community service since 1892
We used our 130 years of experience to develop a range of life insurance and annuity products to suit your needs.

GBU is financially secure with an AM Best rating of A‑ (Excellent)1 and a solvency ratio of 108%
GBU continues to perfect investment processes and invest in infrastructure to ensure that we’re here for you and your family for generations to come.
View Our Annual Report
GBU is member owned with more than 65,000 members in 31 districts throughout the country
GBU Members enjoy a wide range of member benefits and programs in addition to GBU’s competitive interest rates and potential dividend payments on whole life policies4

GBU is not-for-profit and focused on volunteerism, charitable giving and community service
We used our 130 years of experience to develop a range of life insurance and annuity products to suit your needs.

9 out of 10 satisfied GBU Members say they would recommend GBU to their friends and family2
In the 2021 GBU Member Survey, members called out product quality, customer service and member benefits as reasons for recommending GBU Life to family and friends.

GBU has been voted as one of Pittsburgh’s top places to work3 for the past two consecutive years
Find out more about why both our Home Office employees and independent agents love working at GBU.
Explore Home Office Careers
- AM Best Company has rated GBU Financial Life A- since 2017. Third party ratings are subject to change. A- (Excellent) rating is 3rd best out of 17 possible rating categories. For the latest Best’s Credit Rating, access www.ambest.com.
- Member satisfaction based on 2021 GBU Annual Member Survey.
- Pittsburgh Top Places to work scored by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette based on employee survey comparisons.
- Dividend payments are not guaranteed.